
Verification audit at Bakkrans according to the 4C's

In a nutshell:

Bakkrans is a registered Nature Reserve and also a Cape Nature Contractual Reserve and is managed according to a Management Plan compiled by Ken Coetzee of Conservation Services CC.
This document forms the basis on which the management is based. The reserve is subjected to a strict and expansive audit by Cape Nature on a yearly basis. This includes inter alia, fauna, flora, water usage, roads, maintenance of infrastructure, carrying capacity of animals and tourism footprint. The reserve is visited by conservation officials at least 4 times a year.

C1. Conservation
Bakkrans has a clear policy with regard to natural and cultural conservation. This document is displayed in every hut to explain the mindset of the owner.
The conservation of all historical buildings is notably well done. New structures are built in a similar style as the original one and the material (stone, wood and reeds) is sourced from the surroundings.

C2. Community
Remuneration is in the form of ownership of housing, profit sharing and commission.
Historical crafts like thatching and stone building are promoted so that young craftsmen can earn a decent income by using the acquired skills. The owners actively support and encourage a healthy and sober lifestyle.

C3. Customer
Authentic experiences are promoted: silence, spectacular vistas, veld walks, river pool, animal and bird watching, scarcity and lack of abundance (the essence of Bakkrans!)
Many cultural heirlooms are displayed in the huts with some interesting stories and tales.
Exclusivity is guaranteed by controlling the number of guests.

C4. Company
Bakkrans is a well-run enterprise, with a very healthy balance sheet, sufficient working capital, a positive cash flow and excellent income generating assets.

GST Audit Certification - Bakkrans GST

Bakkrans (Bakkrans)

At Bakkrans you don’t share your facilities, space or privacy with any other guests. When you or your group visit Bakkrans, it is allocated to you exclusively.
This lovely promise is on the website of this exclusive tourist destination in the Red Cederberg.
Bakkrans will be in operation soon as accommodation facilities are currently being renovated.
