Jules of the Karoo

Verification audit at Jules of the Karoo according to the 4C's

In a nutshell:

On this beautiful Karoo Merino farm, the owner also breeds/farms Springbok in all four colours of Springbok, namely natural (common), black, white, and copper and allows free ranging hunting of these.  They also offer other species of plains game: kudu, bushbuck, eland, gemsbok, and steenbok amongst others.

C1. Conservation
Land and grazing use are regulated by constant rotation of sheep and game. Special devices are installed to regulate and stop the filling of dams/tanks from the bore holes to prevent overflowing and as such water waste. Endemic flora and fauna are well conserved and concerted effort is made to not drive in the veld, especially during hunting expeditions.

C2. Community
The butchery on the farm supports the local feeding scheme regularly. Most supplies are bought locally to support local businesses in nearby towns. The owners are heavily involved with the maintenance of the local dirt roads as local government is not in the position to do so.

C3. Customer
Plenty of reading matter is available in the in-house “library”. Relevant and interesting information is on display in the main lounge. Interactive exhibitions with many relevant facts and stories are displayed. Tasty and interesting menus are served where local cooking ingredients get preference. Food is well prepared and presented.

C4. Company
Years of drought gave the hunting safaris/farm business a financial knock.
Cash reserves and good seasonal rains assist to overcome this. Competent financial planning is in place. Sound management of money matters is obvious.

GST Audit Certification - Jules of the Karoo

Invitation to Jules of the Karoo (Jules of the Karoo)

We love to welcome you at the family farm, Wonderboom, that was bought by Thomas Johannes Theron in the late 1840’s. Since then every generation nurtured and added value to this prised inheritance entrusted to each one. As stewards of the soil, the fifth and sixth generations lovingly work on the farm at this stage. Farming is the passion of Julian, Izak and Jozua while Martisan, Mandy and Paula are part of the Jules team. We passionately look forward to the seventh generation, Julian Jnr, Retief and Thomas who will take charge within a decade or more! What a special privilege and grace.

Farming comprises different aspects. Previously the main activity was Merino farming. During the past 30 years value was added to the farm by purchasing and breeding game, as well as by selling top genetics rams and ewes. In 2005 the lodge was completed where we accommodate domestic and international hunters and other guests. They live comfortably in our beautiful lodge and enjoy authentic South African and regional food. We process all the venison on the farm and thus provide work for the farm women.

Here you can experience everything that a Karoo farm can offer. Besides hunting, guests can hike, ride bikes and go horse riding. An early morning or dusk game drive provides something special. The farm is a paradise for photographers and bird lovers. During shearing every 8 months we provide guests with information about classing and the quality of wool. During excursions in the veld guests are exposed to the diversity of plants, soil and stone formations. Guests can also view Bushman drawings. Meat processing demonstrations teach you about the uses of venison.

A visit to the cemetery of the Imperial Yeomanry (tents) Hospital is a highlight of the visit to the farm. Interesting stories and information about the war are exchanged. Richmond Museum is also worth a visit.

We look forward to surpass your expectations.

Martisan and Julien Theron
Jules of the Karoo